I had been giving the original owners of this house, the ones who built it, the benefit of the doubt and thought they were simply trying to preserve as many trees as possible and built the house in between these trees. NO, they planted the magnolia and I can count the rings to prove it. 30 rings and the house was built @ 1978. Crazy. The tree was BIG too.

Day one: the crew arrives on time (McKenzies Enterprises, for those who live in the greater New Orleans area and looking for endorsements) and begins by preparing to remove a huge pine tree approx 30 feet from the house. No big deal, just time-consuming and I might add exhausting for the man up in the tree.

Not only does he have to climb up there but then he has to slice off all the branches after rigging them up to control the drop to the ground. You can see the notches from the limbs he has already removed; he's standing on two of them.
I have a video of this guys clinging to the top as the tree rocks to and fro. He's up there, whooping like he he's in a rodeo.
Then after a lunch break he shimmies up the magnolia.
Nowhere as big as the first but lots of limbs to take down and as he works the tree down, the crew carry off the bits strewn around the yard.
I have to mention that McKenzie's Tree Service runs a clean ship. They did the best they could to get the limbs from crushing the surrounding landscaping that we've been working on for 12 years. (Had a little tussle when they sawed away blackberries that I have been tending for 6+ years and are only just this past year producing results! They were in full bloom as well. We had words.)
I confess they had their hands full avoiding all the yard plants. I have veggies growing just to the left of where he is in that tree and all over the place, really. Anywhere I get the sun, you'll find some vegetable growing.
Day Two, (a few days later) Now comes this one and as I was at work and not a witness to what transpired, this is what I know:
Ring: Hello?
John: Well we've had an incident. (and then line went dead)
As one of the limbs was being sawn, AND attached to a crane, I might add, it swung free and hit said crane, broke into several pieces, two of which crashed on top of our neighbor's house. It took off the soffit, fascia and part of that section of roof and left a hole in the front of the roof. BUT no one was injured and they sorted it out and the neighbor is happy and the trees are down.
Now they have to be stump-ground and it's finally done. Yes I counted the rings on all three and John counted the big one. Both the pines were 80 years old, which leads me to believe they were planted intentionally by loggers. The Mag was 30 and had no business being plunked so close to the house. Well, so much for that.
If you need a stump grinder recommendation, Kevin Dean, the fiance of Chantel Wetzel, daughter of Nick and Nancy Wetzel (and regular Smörgåsbord attendees) owns said business and did the grinding for the trees in our backyard after Katrina. He's a good kid and would probably jump at the job. My mom should have his number or at least a way to reach him through the parents.
thanks for that endorsement but McKenzie's is doing it all. All in good time. At this point, we await the Cal One dudes to finish marking all the utility lines. Gas is done.
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