A place to hang out and enjoy cats, quilts and gardening. New! Improved! Now with Chicken Flavor!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
The Barn Is Done
We know we hit a homerun too.... everyone who sees it is in awe. Women gasp......"OOhhhh it's greeat!!!!!"
Men are the biggest kick to watch.... much more discerning. They will walk in and just take it all in for a minute. To a man, they stand there with one arm across the chest, hand cradling the elbow of the other arm. The hand of the cradled up by the face, stroking the chin or cheek, lip pursed, eyes scanning the ceiling, the walls, the shelves, the worktop...... If there are more than one, they huddle together, stroking and furtively pointing at the attention to detail in construction.
And then they say, in reverent and slightly whispered tone, "I want one."
I know! We want another one already!
The veggies are growing and thriving. We ordered and received a roll of row cover material and have so far covered only two beds; the artichoke and tender greens but I am ready with the hoops to cover two more. The broccoli are looking great and although there are plenty of flowers on the peas, not all that many have pods. Some, and those are slow to grow. SO now I know, I should plant them farther in the north raised beds if they are going to get enough sunlight in the fall. Once the leaves finish falling, these will get more warm sun, but at the moment, they live in heavy dappling shade. I will do all I can to keep them alive under the wraps as the days get colder and the winds increase.
My daughter rescued a chicken in Florida and is going in with her neighbor to have a small flock!!!! How cool is this!? Very small, however. The towns restrictions are 2 per household..... ridiculous. 2? It's hardly worth the bother..... and only half the fun. You need enough to have a proper self-respecting flock! I mean, how on Earth can they establish any form of pecking order? 2 is just a squabble, surely. .... Well, if they EACH get 2 and house them in the same coop, that's 4. I think they could handle that. The chickens, I mean. Girls can handle anything!
Had a blast learning how to program a computerized quilting machine yesterday. Once you know the HOW, it seems (almost) easy; but getting to that place was a long process. The one I use has no computer but I look at it now and wonder....... can I get an after-market add-on? I really like free-motion. It's a thing about the freeness of it but I can also see the freedom I would feel at the end of this long list of quilts ready to finally use. I have a closet of quilttops that are neglected and shelves of fabric waiting to be cut. At this rate, I'll NEVER die. (of course, that IS my ultimate plan......)
Friday, November 19, 2010
One in Five
Nearly 1 in 5 Americans had mental illness in 2009
CHICAGO - More than 45 million Americans, or 20 percent of U.S. adults, had some form of mental illness last year, and 11 million had a serious illness, U.S. government researchers reported on Thursday.
Young adults aged 18 to 25 had the highest level of mental illness at 30 percent, while those aged 50 and older had the lowest, with 13.7 percent, said the report by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration or SAMHSA.
The rate, slightly higher than last year's 19.5 percent figure, reflected increasing depression, especially among the unemployed, SAMHSA, part of the National Institutes of Health, said.
"Too many Americans are not getting the help they need and opportunities to prevent and intervene early are being missed," Pamela Hyde, SAMHSA's administrator, said in a statement.
So, one in five. And they all work for the TSA.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Green Gumbo (Gumbo Z’Herbes)
4 ounces thick cut bacon chopped up 12 ounces andouille sausage sliced 1/4″ thick 3 tablespoons flour 8 cloves garlic finely minced 1 large onion minced 2-3 jalapeno chilis seeds removed and minced (add less if you want it mild) 1 pound greens ( 1 bunch of lacinato kale, 1 bunch beet greens, mustard greens, and some carrot and celery leaves) and Chris added to this arugula, more kale, collars, raab, oniontops, shallots, everything growing out there went into that pot! 8 ounces clam juice (Chris did not use this. I used instead fish stock) 2 cups vegetable stock 6 ounces okra trimmed and roughly chopped
1 teaspoon celery seed 1 teaspoon dried oregano 1 teaspoon smoked paprika 1/4 teaspoon white pepper
Cooked brown rice
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
How Many Men.....
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Okay... Seriously....
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Compromise. Of Course!!!!
Right right right..... as though they haven't been elbowing their opposition out the door, told them to sit in the back and "they won" so shut up.

Remember this face. This is the face you get to look at in the Senate for 6 MORE YEARS!
Okay now to the Right: you BETTER not forget what the "great unwashed" has elected you to do, You will get no more chances.