Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Speaking of AWESOME...

here is an opportunity that doesn't happen often. YOU, yes you, get a chance to vote on the cover of the Rolling Stone

And of course, if you don't know any of these names, just watch this video and go vote 5 stars for this : Satellite

so, all good to go? Go click on that link above, scroll down the page and look for Leila Broussard and you'll see 2 words below her name. Masquerade and Satellite. You should see 5 outlined stars as well. If you click your mouse on the stars, you can choose the number you think she is worthy of. I, naturally, chose 5. I think she and this video are BRILLIANT.


Now, the video was made by another woman from Louisiana, Molly Green and she is SO talented. After you vote, hope over to YouTube and look for Molly Green

I know... you want MORE. I don't blame you!

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