Friday, February 18, 2011

Well, I Just Don't Know

...if I like this new look. I had issues with the last design in that the area where the posts appear seemed constrained (to me somehow) so I thought I would tweak it.

The first thing you're supposed to do (and I did) was to save a copy of the original as a back-up. Then start messing around with changes.

After you do what you do, to ht SAVE and go look. I did.

Then I noticed is it looked pretty much the way it did on the preview screen and I wanted to make a few more changes and did so.

Then I scrolled down and found that my counter has evaporated. I cannot retrieve it either. SiteMeter has no record of me existing so I no longer will know where the Gentle Viewer hails from. But when I tried to go back to me original layout and get the meter, I couldn't reload it. Go Figure.

I liked this feature because I could tell when our girls or family in Texas stopped by to catch up on the Chicken Farm.

ahem........ "IT IS NOT A FARM. I don't sell anything and I eat only the veg we grow and the eggs they lay. We don't harvest the meat.... I just call it Chicken Farm because that sounds retro and cute!."

Now, I will be shooting in the dark unless I decide to install another counter. The one you see down there now is GOOGLE meter and does not allow ME to see where people come from. *

Google on the other hand knows everything. Blogger is a Google product.

Now I am not a paranoid. I post these musings of mine for your entertainment (or not) and I hope I have enough filters between my head and fingers to not be typing inflammatory posts.


Do you know that the GOOGLEBOT comes trolling through pages several times a week? Didn't know that, did you? It does. I used to be able to see when it monitored me. I never knew what it was looking for or at. But, it's there...... reading through the posts and pages.

I wonder what it does with it's findings.........

Anybody know?

* I added a new meter from a google-approved site to track once more your comings and goings......... (I'm watching you!)

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