I have made an additional two blocks for the BOM I posted last week. And I believe I will have more to come as well. It's addictive!
The quilt group has begun showing techniques to each other as a "theme" once a month; a way of branching out of the doldrums. Last week, Leslie demonstrated English Paper Piecing and has given me yet another addiction. I have been making these hexagons for a Grandmother's Garden quilt.
In an effort to pictorially explain how my brain functions, follow the photos below:
I started to lay out the hexs on the floor and Q moves in. She has this need to check out anything on the floor

So I think "How Cute!!" and proceed to try to get a good shot:

And after approximately 7 clicks where she manages to look away as the shutter opens, I finally get this:

where she looks possessed by an inner light
This one is only slighter better, She stills looks off to me. Notice her underdeveloped chin. She will always look like a kitten to me because of this feature.

Shasta watches from the presumed safety of the ottoman and I turn my attention towards her as she shies away. And why not? She is above all nonsense.

I leave with this: Delectable Mountain

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