I never expected the tomatillos to grow so tall! and WIDE! I pulled a few fruit off and will make a salsa. The bed tot he right is loaded with Roma, Celebrity, Razzleberry and Cherokee Purple tomatoes and I didn't realize they should not be planted to close to the tomatillos. Oh well.....

OKAY now, Be the Bee is my mantra every morning... I buzz around looking for blossoms that need fertilizing because altought I see plenty of bee activity (and other crawlers) I choose to not trust them to do their jobs.

Here is a shot of what they look like emerging from the base of the plant itself. The female is the one on the bottom and the male right above. You should click on the photo to see a closeup. That way you can really distinguish the stems. The female stem, just below that flower, looks exactly like a zucchini. The other stem is much more slender.

Now, there are lots of times you will see only males. Other times, only females. That is frustrating, but I think nature's way for controlling what she can support.
For example, for two weeks now I have been pollinating two butternut squash plants out back and I must have around 2 dozen squashes growing on the 2 vines.

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