Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Questing Beasts or

In For A Penny, In For A Pound!

how hard can this be, she asked herself.....

After spending 1 1/2 hours mashing tomatoes thru a sieve, I thought a food mill would be an excellent purchase. These swift extractors take out the seeds and skins and leave behind lovely pulpy tomatoey goodness and are much easier on the wrists and forearms. (ain't gettin' any younger, she mumbles under her breath. Aging faster is more like it!)

I scoped out reviews on-line (Please, Please PLEEZZZZEEE Mr, Obama! Don't take our intertubes AWAY!!!!!) and referred to John's good judgment.

Out we went in pursuit of a grinder. Target, no. World Store, no. Local Hardware/Surplus store, yes but not what you think, Feed n Seeds (2), no. WalMart, no (really?) SimpleeGourmet, no (but you ought to go have fun in there anyway!) Groceries, no. B, B and Beyond, no. HOW HARD IS THIS GONNA BE???????? she asked herself!

How is it POSSIBLE that we live within 40 miles of everything KNOWN to mankind and yet stand here, "completely surrounded by no" food mill!!!!!????

We live in an agricultural parish. People GROW tomatoes 'round these parts like nobody's business. We read each other's minds at one point and said simultaneously, "I'll bet there are LOTS/Hundreds(!) of these things in any number/some of these houses in a 7/10 block radius gathering dust in some pantry/shed or attic!"

THAT was spooky!

Grrrr.... I grumbled as we rumbled back home. "I'm going to ******* ( a city 20 miles north of us and even more country than this) and look around" said John.

Not ME! I thought. I'm gonna let my fingers do the talking and take advantage of technology before it's too late.

But the rains came right about this time so we both hunkered down and John, in between lightning flashes, managed to connect with an outfit and ordered THIS Squeezo for us. I love that it is all metal and Made In America!!!! Finally........ and because he sees the desparation in my eyes as the tomatoes steadily pile higher, he asked for express delivery.


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