At this rate, we'll be swimming in eggs!
Yesterday we spent several hours burning 5 piles of tree trash and other wood John had dragged out of the triangle last year. This is the second or third burn we've worked on and as you can see form the photo, we have a ways to go.Yuck!
But it's getting there. What you don't see is how little of all that is left. That's sort of a In the Middle of, not a Before or After shot.
And hanging around back there beside the run gave me a chance to "observe" the chickens and their behavior. The two Wyandottes were fluttering in and out of the runs and generally hang out. The other three wandered in and out of their newly cleaned coop as if to pass judgment on our housekeeping skills. Q kept wandering in and out as well. I had to keep my eye on her. Alot of wandering around, if you ask me.
It was a beautiful day to be out there and I pottered about in the garden itself, making mental notes of where I'd like to plant what when the time finally comes around again. It is a mistake to be lulled into thinking spring is upon us. We can have a freeze into March up here. Apparently.
We harvested the first brussell sprouts. They are quite small but flavorful. And along with kale, shallot greens, carrots and lettuce, we used 6 of our egg-take to make this meal:
Yes those are our pickled jalapenos! Sweet and sour.

Bride's Bouquet, Hope of Hartford
Army Star and Propeller
Below you find 4 more blocks for the Victory quilt from Eleanor Burns. They are turning out beautifully, especially as I read the instructions more closely. I recommend this to anyone reading. If instructions are included in a project, it behooves one to actually read them and not assume being in the same room is sufficient.

Bride's Bouquet, Hope of Hartford
Army Star and Propeller
I've lost track of how many are left to make before I begin assembling the quilt. Go on, click on the pic and check out the "points". I am rather pleased with the result take my time accomplishes.
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