Hear me out: I usually am snoring by 8:30pm, wiped out by the day's activities. So, to be AWAKE past 9:00 is something of a challenge and to be relaxed and awake is truly an achievement.
I hope anyone reading this drivel had a wonderful and wonderous Christmas holiday. Ours was both joyous and peaceful.
We hosted the 5th Borgasmord on Christmas Eve
Akavit. So much to tell. In the past, we simply looked each other in the eye, said skol and knocked the shot back. This year, to be more traditional and, let's just say it true, more Swedish, we sang "Helan Gar". Badly, okay.....to be truthful, but we sang it! The first 2 times in English, just to get them liquored up enough to thrust the Swedish version at 'em.
But THESE guests are courageous and intrepid. They sang with gusto and reverb. Of course, the reward is worth it. I love these people..... the best.
The weather cooperated splendidly. It was cold enough to enjoy glogg and warm enough to play games outdoors. Kubb was a hit! Considering only a handful of people there had ever played, let alone seen the game, it came as a surprise to find a ringer in the list of participants. Nick..... have you been practicing? HHMmmmm? Did you play jai alai in college, perhaps?
And silly indoor games as well..... this one was interesting.
Two sad observations. 1. The hours pass too quickly. 2. We must wait 360 days to do it again. But on a happy note: I have our jultomtes all picked out for next year!
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