Anyway, the pharmacist in there was a delight and helpful in letting us read up on melatonin before we bought a bottle. I took 2 mg at 8:15 pm.
Hallelujiah!!!!!! I slept like a champ last night. Woke up at 2am and thought "crums!!!!!" so I wandered into the guestroom and played the "left toe is relaxed.... right toes relaxed... ankles relax" game for however long it took to fall back asleep and wakened at 6:53am!!!!!!! What a Feeling!!!!!
Then I stumbled onto this test and found exactly what I thought I was, I am.
Then I stumbled onto this test and found exactly what I thought I was, I am.
Your true political self:
You are a
You are a (35% permissive) and an... Economic Conservative (63% permissive) You are best described as a:
Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid Also this: You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness. |
I'm glad to see a random computer-generated test revealed what I suspected. I was slightly surprised as well.
Now, as I was taking this test, here is what I experienced (because I think this is what was MOST interesting to me...) there were questions that I initially answered one way and NO I am not going to reveal which ones (mainly because I can't remember...) but stopped and thought about it. When I applied my "oh really?" test to those reactive answers, I found that no, I really didn't think that... I really THINK THIS! and changed my answer. The initial answers were my PC responses and this test didn't care if I thought against what MSM thinks I should think!
I wanted a true revelation and I got it.
I am exactly who I thought I am
This was an interesting test. My results were also what I expected, but said the exact same thing as yours...You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.
However I am considered a Social Moderate
(56% permissive) and an Economic Liberal (26% permissive) described as a Democrat!
As a social liberal (61% permissive) and an economic liberal (28% permissive), I too exhibit a well-developed sense of right and wrong and believe in economic fairness. I wonder how you'd have to answer to not display those qualities.
I suppose it has something more to do with not being an extremist in any position?
It's interesting to see that all 3 of us are so well-developed.
I fall right where President Bush 43 lies on the "famous" chart. (A Compassionate Conversative I guess)
This makes me happy because when I first heard that phrase 10 years ago, I thought "yes! Exactly"
Conservative in principle but compassionate in understanding that there ARE some people thru no fault of their own that need assistance.
That does not include able-bodied people who think they deserve more than what is offered for a job and therefore won't work at all.
I have never said, "man I am worth more than that so I'm not going to take that job." Or thought that I am owed anything.
Unfortunately there is a new generation of citizens that have the idea they should have it all at the beginning, instead of working for it all gradually.
I can think of no better example than the people who, when asked what they want to be in life, answer :"Famous!"
I always want to say, "Okay. And THEN what?"
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