When, at what point, is a sunflower ready to get it's head whacked off it's neck?
I have read differing reports...... when the head droops. When the petals dry. When the petals fall. When the back of the head is hard. yellow. dark. brown. When the seeds are black and white striped. When the birds have eaten them, but that is one day too late.
So I cut the oldest one out there to scope out what I had. I really don't want to lose a single flower to this rain event.

So I cut two more, both of which are curled back like toothy smiles. I head over to the jalapenos and Carmens. If the rain is constant, I can certainly can and freeze produce.
Now the question is, where to put them? I've read they need a dry ventilated space but that means indoors in Louisiana. I have draped them over a bench with the heads hanging down. They look like they're throwing up after a rough night.
The chickens can definitely sense something is in the air. They are acting nervous and alert. They pose when they are in this mood so why not use this to my advantage for some poultry photo-ops.
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