Happy New Year to the Gavle Julgoat. You made it to 2011!!!!!!!
A place to hang out and enjoy cats, quilts and gardening. New! Improved! Now with Chicken Flavor!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Edited: To the Merry Lunatics with Fire
Happy New Year to the Gavle Julgoat. You made it to 2011!!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Thanksgiving Recap
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Here Todayyyy Is a New Birddddd! No, That Is A Goat!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
The Barn Is Done
We know we hit a homerun too.... everyone who sees it is in awe. Women gasp......"OOhhhh it's greeat!!!!!"
Men are the biggest kick to watch.... much more discerning. They will walk in and just take it all in for a minute. To a man, they stand there with one arm across the chest, hand cradling the elbow of the other arm. The hand of the cradled up by the face, stroking the chin or cheek, lip pursed, eyes scanning the ceiling, the walls, the shelves, the worktop...... If there are more than one, they huddle together, stroking and furtively pointing at the attention to detail in construction.
And then they say, in reverent and slightly whispered tone, "I want one."
I know! We want another one already!
The veggies are growing and thriving. We ordered and received a roll of row cover material and have so far covered only two beds; the artichoke and tender greens but I am ready with the hoops to cover two more. The broccoli are looking great and although there are plenty of flowers on the peas, not all that many have pods. Some, and those are slow to grow. SO now I know, I should plant them farther in the north raised beds if they are going to get enough sunlight in the fall. Once the leaves finish falling, these will get more warm sun, but at the moment, they live in heavy dappling shade. I will do all I can to keep them alive under the wraps as the days get colder and the winds increase.
My daughter rescued a chicken in Florida and is going in with her neighbor to have a small flock!!!! How cool is this!? Very small, however. The towns restrictions are 2 per household..... ridiculous. 2? It's hardly worth the bother..... and only half the fun. You need enough to have a proper self-respecting flock! I mean, how on Earth can they establish any form of pecking order? 2 is just a squabble, surely. .... Well, if they EACH get 2 and house them in the same coop, that's 4. I think they could handle that. The chickens, I mean. Girls can handle anything!
Had a blast learning how to program a computerized quilting machine yesterday. Once you know the HOW, it seems (almost) easy; but getting to that place was a long process. The one I use has no computer but I look at it now and wonder....... can I get an after-market add-on? I really like free-motion. It's a thing about the freeness of it but I can also see the freedom I would feel at the end of this long list of quilts ready to finally use. I have a closet of quilttops that are neglected and shelves of fabric waiting to be cut. At this rate, I'll NEVER die. (of course, that IS my ultimate plan......)
Friday, November 19, 2010
One in Five
Nearly 1 in 5 Americans had mental illness in 2009
CHICAGO - More than 45 million Americans, or 20 percent of U.S. adults, had some form of mental illness last year, and 11 million had a serious illness, U.S. government researchers reported on Thursday.
Young adults aged 18 to 25 had the highest level of mental illness at 30 percent, while those aged 50 and older had the lowest, with 13.7 percent, said the report by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration or SAMHSA.
The rate, slightly higher than last year's 19.5 percent figure, reflected increasing depression, especially among the unemployed, SAMHSA, part of the National Institutes of Health, said.
"Too many Americans are not getting the help they need and opportunities to prevent and intervene early are being missed," Pamela Hyde, SAMHSA's administrator, said in a statement.
So, one in five. And they all work for the TSA.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Green Gumbo (Gumbo Z’Herbes)
4 ounces thick cut bacon chopped up 12 ounces andouille sausage sliced 1/4″ thick 3 tablespoons flour 8 cloves garlic finely minced 1 large onion minced 2-3 jalapeno chilis seeds removed and minced (add less if you want it mild) 1 pound greens ( 1 bunch of lacinato kale, 1 bunch beet greens, mustard greens, and some carrot and celery leaves) and Chris added to this arugula, more kale, collars, raab, oniontops, shallots, everything growing out there went into that pot! 8 ounces clam juice (Chris did not use this. I used instead fish stock) 2 cups vegetable stock 6 ounces okra trimmed and roughly chopped
1 teaspoon celery seed 1 teaspoon dried oregano 1 teaspoon smoked paprika 1/4 teaspoon white pepper
Cooked brown rice
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
How Many Men.....
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Okay... Seriously....
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Compromise. Of Course!!!!
Right right right..... as though they haven't been elbowing their opposition out the door, told them to sit in the back and "they won" so shut up.

Remember this face. This is the face you get to look at in the Senate for 6 MORE YEARS!
Okay now to the Right: you BETTER not forget what the "great unwashed" has elected you to do, You will get no more chances.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Day 6 of Melatonin
Monday, November 1, 2010
Someone Posted This....
Sunday, October 31, 2010
It's ALIVE!!!! Obama and the Democrat Base on Nov. 2
MMmmmm... I don't think so~
Mr. President ... you tried to create a monster! How appropriate to the spirit of today, Halloween.

Thursday, October 28, 2010
I Yam What I Yam. Restfully So, Too!
Then I stumbled onto this test and found exactly what I thought I was, I am.
Your true political self:
You are a
You are a (35% permissive) and an... Economic Conservative (63% permissive) You are best described as a:
Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid Also this: You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness. |
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Work Ethic Part 2
The person answered on the 2nd ring (yea!!) and I asked if they carry melatonin. She asked someone and then said yes. "Great! What time do you close?"
"Oh dear. I am 3 miles away in the car. I don't think I can get there that fast."
Now here is the opening for someone in business who has a needy customer on their way to buy a product. They have 2 options: 1. Tell this customer something along the lines of "I'll stay open til (pick a time) say 5:10pm. If you can get here , I'll be happy to ring it up!" or 2. "No."
They went with option 2. That's cool. But I'll remember.
Now back to the barn. Steve put the barn quilt up yesterday! And the electricians wired for lights all day so today we should get the inspection done and they will finish that installation by Thursday. We may have light by the weekend!!!!!
And now that I see how good it looks on the barn, I am really motivated to paint the one on the coop.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Amazing. I'd Have Slapped It!
For s a second there, I thought he was going to do just that.
Look how unconcerned and focused this prairiedog is on feasting.....
Our chickens behave the same way... I'll be handing a piece of bread to Stu and the others will snatch it out of his mouth. Even as he is merely standing there and they have their own... they take from him as well.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
I Give Up
Raise Bed Veg
Doo Doo Doo ---- Lookin' Out My Back Door!

Sunday, October 17, 2010
Where Am I Wrong -Update
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
I thought I had a clear calendar yesterday and headed south to help Kathy process lots of apples. We had a pot of sauce in one station and another of apple butter going when the cell phone rings. It's the shop
"Chris? You have a class here waiting" (or words to that effect.)
me: "No I don't! That's Jayne's Build a Block! (said with great conviction because, darn it! I KNOW my schedule!)"
No It was my class! And Kathy was signed up in it too!
Monday, October 11, 2010
"Screwed in? No problem! WE'll take it. I know we SOLD it but we didn't get the price we wanted or you didn't SPECIFY that you expected to find it IN the home when you arrived so it comes WITH US!"
The most common disappearances include washing machines, radiators, fireplace surrounds, light fittings and boilers - while others are more unusual.
When Tim showed a marketing executive and his wife, a teacher, photographs of a Victorian terraced house in Brackley, Northamptonshire, they were instantly smitten by a log cabin in the garden.
Six weeks later, their £250,000 offer had been accepted and they moved in with two children and removal men in tow. only then did they discover that all that was left of the log cabin was a slab of concrete: the foundation.
'They were furious, especially as the outhouse was pictured in the brochure,' explains Tim. The vendors were mid-divorce and, desperate to sell, had agreed on a price of £20,000 less than they wanted. They retaliated in the only way they could - by keeping a bit of the house.
Read more: Daily Mail
We are completely on the other side of this story. When we negotiated for this home, our daughter really liked the dining table so we included it in the purchase agreement. The owners responded and said the sideboard went "with" the table..... and could I take them both? Now, the "suite" also included small sofa tables as well but they didn't ask us to keep ALL of the suite together, just the 2 items in the dining area. We agreed to keep them both together. Everyone got what they wanted and no one played fast and loose with convenience.
One person over there even took 15% less for the selling price so he could take the grass from his cherished putting green! Good Grief! Couldn't he simply build a new one!? At least he "paid" for it.
Nevermind. We went kayaking on Saturday and the distance was (much) farther than I would have expected. I should have asked. After 2 hours of paddling, (nonstop I might add) I asked how much further to go. We weren't half done. By the time we got to the end, my shoulders were cords. Stiff, tight angry cords of muscle. Why didn't I merely coast? This articular river is a wild and scenic one which means it is LITTERED with trees everywhere and twists so much you must constantly stand vigil for potential problems in navigation. I found myself high and dry any number of times and banging into submerged trees in other. I am grateful there was NO white water to have to deal with. I would not have returned dry
We went to the Hattiesburg Quilt and Fiber Show on Friday and saw beautiful quilts and some beautiful land/property as well. Some old quarries were filling up and subdivided for purchase. But back to the show. The best thing for ME is to find new quilting motifs to use on the longarm and as I have another quilt on my machine ready to and inspired as I was, I got busy with it yesterday.
Only to find something is not right with the bobbin and I have alot of stitches now to unsew.
Yea me!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Never Too Old To Learn. Right?
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
A Few New Things To Show
Sunday, October 3, 2010
I Think I Know What You're Thinking
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Sweet Potato Heaven!
We dug up the sweet potatoes!
I had allowed the vines to creep out of the raised bed and wander a bit. I didn't realize what that meant.
Give a plant an inch and they'll take the whole yard. The vines grew through the black ground cover and rooted. Then they conquered the fence and over to the compost piles.
So when I went to hack away the vines to get to the beds, I quickly realized I was stepping on something! You could see the humps of potatoes under the blastic. (black plastic) and I was forced to pull it out and replace it. The potatoes underneath were not particularly special but check this out!

The left side is from where all the greens on the right came. That was a lot of vines!
Ok but here's the rub. For one week, I have to try to keep them in a warm humid environment out of the sunlight to toughen the skin and then cooler to bring out the sweetness. It's 65 degrees out there with no sign of warmer. So, with this luck I may well reverse the process.
There's really nothing I can do to change this.
Have You Ever.....
Surely, now, your life is complete!
I cleaned the coop out thoroughly yesterday and sprayed it down with a flea/tick spray. Afterwards, I left the door to the coop and layboxes open to air out the moisture and had forgotten all about.
Around 11 am I remembered and dashed out to shut it up. I found a couple of the hens pacing out front impatiently. As soon as I dropped the lid on the boxes, two of them ran in and fought over the center box (with the brown fake egg, naturally. We've covered this in the past). They bickered and crawled under each other and tried to fight the other one out and finally, one gave up and scooted over to the left box. Muttering the whole time. (I wish I could speak chicken)
Afterwards, the one that layed the egg protected the space for twenty-five minutes. Or I should say, rather, she tried to protect the space. The one on the left really wanted to be in the center box. I still don't understand what the deal is with the brown egg. They fought over it! They each wanted that fake egg UNDER their chest when they layed. So strange!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
The Aging Brain
Example: I could program a VCR (remember those?) but if a power outage knocked the clock back to 12:00, I rarely bothered to reset it. That chore would have to wait til I needed to set a Recording Time and again, I was never so invested in any TV show where that became a priority.
And I put off ever up-dating a computer "operating system" until I actually need a whole new computer itself. I really don't require every bell and whistle available and the learning curve is tedious at best.
We were a Mac family til 1999 when I could no longer bear dealing with the fact that EVERYONE else was sending me email attachments in Word or who know what and I could not read it. Well, the OS in the Mac at that time was not the latest, greatest and didn't translate the info like was possbile (had I up-graded the OS....which of course I am loathe to do. Ever)
And now, I am the (or was) the last man standing with a PC (OS XP, BTW) ( ;P) and everyone else in the family has been lured to the Mac Side of the street with both computer and cellphone.
So I am back in the Land of Re-Education. My 2nd daughter has given me her (not so) old Mac Book and we have left Sprint for ATT (bundled family) and I now have a new cell phone and all this has my brain hurting.
But I think I can boil it all down to one thing: passwords.
I hate them. I understand the necessity for them but I hate them all the same. And by that I mean I hate remembering them.
I spent part of the day yesterday learning how to USE A CELLPHONE! Remember when having a phone in your pocket at the ready was all you needed to feel empowered? Like a Girl Scout, I was ready!
But they are so much more than that these days and God forbid you lose one! Your life is in that small box. So you better protect it and all the info crammed inside.
Today I will spend many hours more than necessary to blend the info in one iTunes with another and then sync that to the phone and hope to heaven I didn't erase it all.
Back up!
My brain is bleeding at the mere thought of it.
Monday, September 27, 2010
I Love Karl Pilkington

I really do. If you don't know who he is, here's a run-down.
Ricky Gervais had a radio show some years back in England. Probably London but I don't know. They started allowing for "podcasting" which basically means you DL it to your computer or iPod player and listen to it at your leisure. The show is in the Guiness Book of Records as the most listened to "podcast" ever. It didn't have a lot of competition back then, but I think it even surpassed Rush Limbaugh for audience. Ok it is a different audience, granted, but still. Credit due.
Any hoo... the premise was two guys playing music and talking between themselves on current topics as they found amusing on Sky Radio, I think. Their producer, sitting off-mic was a man named Karl Pilkington, who occasionally said something that made them laugh and they quickly added him to the round table.

End of story: They produced 26 Podcasts and turned themselves into legend. And very wealthy so good for them! And if you have never heard of them, it's called the Ricky Gervais Show and I implore you to look it up and give it a chance. I listen over and over and still laugh at what he says and how he says it and here's the thing:
He is not intentionally trying to be funny. He merely IS. This is the best part of it. Sometimes he is stupid and sometimes he hits it square on the head. But he is ALWAYS sincere and this is rare. Gervais and Merchant, the other man, are much better educated and have internal "filters" that keep them from ever sounding stupid, except when they jump on Pilkington for being stupid. Then they simply keep piling on while Karl sits there and goes, 'hmmmmm....." like he has either tuned them out altogether or is dubious as to which of them is probably right, him or them. Either way, hilarious.

OK so fast forward to "An Idiot Abroad", the new Sky TV show where Gervais has sent Karl around the world to see first hand how it is in China, India, Jordan, Peru, Mexico etc. and he has a camera crew following on these adventures.
Here is a portion that DIDN'T make the cut
You must know at the outset that KP is never happy about this sort of thing but he goes along to get along and finds himself in situations that he sums up as only he can. And he has been keeping a diary for several years. No exception here either. Read for yourself:
Brief excerpt:
We decided to lose the crowds and catch a view of the Taj from a boat on the Humana River. It was much quieter on this side of the building. In fact, it was probably the most relaxed I'd been since arriving in India. No car horns, no begging, no shouting, no mantras. It was almost perfect. I say 'almost' as I noticed a plume of smoke coming from the edge of the river just next to the Taj. I asked Remish what it was, and he told me it was where they were burning dead bodies.
Like I've said, you're never far away from something mad when you're in India.